Leikologie (Lexicology)
Sources of words in English (word-formation: types of word-formative processes and their manifestation in English and in Czech, borrowing into English over time)
- The rules by which are words constructed help us to recognize heir grammatical class
- Word formation has limited productivity (after we apply the rules not all words acceptable)
- The rules themselves undergo changes as well
Affixation, conversion and compounding
- Base = a form to which a rule of word formation is applied to
- Stem = the part of the part remaining after every affix has been removed
A) affixation/derivation
- adding prefixes/suffixes to the base with/without changing the word-class
- very productive process both in Czech + English
- lexical morpheme + derivational morpheme -> a new word is formed (care->careful)
- lexical morpheme + lexical morpheme -> compound (black + bird -> blackbird)
- lexical morpheme + inflectional morpheme – a new word within a paradigm (tax->taxes)
- blocking effect: exceptions block this rule – we apply the rule only after making sure that it’s not an exception (man ->men)
- common suffixes -er means agent X -ee means patient
B) conversion
- assigning the base to a different word class without changing its form
- nouns, verbs and adjectives are most involved in conversion
- conversion from V to N and vice versa are the most
- I) partial conversion – word of one class appears in a function which is characteristic for another word class, e.g. the wealthy
- II) full conversion – assigning the base to a different word class without changing its form; difficult to say what the base was and what the new form is
- examples: verb -> noun: answer (= originally it was a verb); noun -> verb: mail, adjective -> noun: poor -> the poor
C) compounds
- EN is analytical + isolational language, this means it should not form words by compounding, however compounding is very productive
- A compound is a unit consisting of 2 or more bases
- Orthographic criteria: compounds are written: 1) solid bedroom 2) hyphenated – tax-free c) open – reading material
- Phonological criteria: main stress in on the first element, secondary stress is on the second element
- Semantic criteria: the meaning elates slightly to both parts of the compound, but it has its own specific meaning as well
- Compound words can be nouns ( blood + test = bloodtest), adjectives (tax + free = tax free) or verbs (spring + clean = spring-clean)
- Quatational compound – not in CZ so we have to use other words to translate it, e.g. do-it-yourself, forget-me-not
- Shortening of borrowed words
- E.g. advertisement -> ad, sometimes more possibilities: veterinary/Veteran -> vet
- Are formed from the first letters, we read them separately
- e.g. From Latin i.e. (it est.)
- Combination of syllables and initial letters, we usually read them like words (consonant + vowel combination) -> NATO
- Usually names of institutions and product (e.g. radar is originally an acronym) X doesn’t have to be – e.g. ASAP (= as soon as possible)
- A) proper coinage – neologism, e.g. farm
- B) apelativization of propria – names of (usually) products after their inventors – e.g. Hoover, Xerox
- Should be productive only in syntactic languages, however is very productive in English
- Two lexical morphs made one word
- e.g. smell + fog = smog
- borrowing words from other languages
- a) loan word = direct borrowing, e.g. alcohol – from Turkish,
- b) calque = a loan word is translated into language, e.g. superman – ubermanch
- I. German period – borrowing from Latin – e.g. cheese
- II. Old English Period – borrowing from Latin – e.g. city + Vikings – e.g., bank
- III. Middle English period – borrowing from Normans – government
- IV Modern English period – many languages, e.g. Chinese – ketchup
- E.g. goody-goody = hodňoučký