FCE writing – Informal email
FCE writing – Jak napsat informal email (neformální e-mail) se dozvíte v následujícím článku, podělíme se s vámi také o tipy a o ukázku.
Jak napsat informal email (neformální e-mail), tak abyste získali plný počet bodů:
FCE writing – Informal email – zadání
Your English speaking friend, Sam, is an art student and has written to you with a request. Read Sam’s email and the notes you have made. Then write an email to Sam, using all your notes.
FCE writing – Informal email
From: Sam
Sent: 18th June
Subject: Art course
I’ve recently started an art course and we’re doing a project at the moment called ‚People at Home‘ and our teacher has asked us to paint someone in their home or garden. Would you let me come and paint you? note : yes!
Is so, where would be a good place? I don’t mind if it’s indoors or outdoors bur could you describe it for me, as that would help me with my preparation. note
: describe something suitable
Also, I’d like to include a special object in the picture – something important to you. It doesn’t need to be beautiful or valuable! note: Say what and why
Please write back soon if you’d like to be painted.
If you have any questions, just ask. note: Ask about…
Look forward to hearing from you.
FCE writing – Informal email – Správně napsaná odpověď:
Dear Sam,
Thanks a lot for your email.
I’m sure your Art Course is very interesting. And I would like to help you with your painting. I have no time during the week, but why not come to my house at the weekend? As you know we havw a huge colourful garden where we have enough space. I’ll wear the necklace (v originále napsané neckless) which I inhereted from my grandmother. I loved her very much and it is very precious to me.
I would as you, if there is anything what you need, as a chair, for example? Also would you like to have dinner with us, because the painting will may take some time and we’ll be hungry afterwards.
I look forward to your return email!!!
Sami vidíte, že ačkoliv v oficiálním materiálu z Cambridge píší, že za takovou odpověď byste obdrželi plný počet bodů, tak v emailu jsou gramatické chyby a dokonce i nesprávně použité/zaměněné slova. Takže žádný strach:)
zdroj: Official examination papers from University of Cambridge