Nový Zéland - reálie

Nový Zéland (NEW ZEALAND)

– zpracovaná otázka Nový Zéland – reálie

  • NZ is an island country lying in the Pacific Ocean about 2,000 km from Australia
  • NZ is bigger in size than Great Britain, but the density (hustota) of population is very low, and about 90% of the total population consists of people of British ancestry (Britského původu)
  • There are two official languages: English and Maori


  • The first people to settle in NZ were Polynesian tribes
  • In the 18th century NZ was rediscovered by captain James Cook
  • In 1907 NZ was granted the status of a dominion (= samosprávná kolonie)


  • NZ is an archipelago (= skupina ostrovou -> kdyžtak řekněte: a group of islands) consisting of (který se skládá se z) two large islands called North and South Islands separated by Crook Strait and a small island called Steward Island
  • All the large towns lie on the Eastern coast
  • The country is predominantly mountainous
  • North Island: is famous for its hot springs (prameny), geysers and watering places
  • South Island: has fertile plains (úrodné nížiny) and high mountains called the Southern Alps; there are glaciers (ledovce), the highest mountain is Mt. Cook (3,764 metres high); the Southern Alps provide an excellent opportunity for skiing and mountaineering 


  • Many of the rivers in NZ are very short
  • The longest river are Wanganui and the Waikato in the North Island
  • NZ also has many lakes


  • NZ has a very pleasant, temperate climate with plenty of sunshine and good rainfall (množství srážek) with warm summers and mild winters
  • An almost ideal balance of rain and sunshine makes grass and trees grow faster than in most countries, thanks to this NZ has a leading world position in grassland farming

NZ is home of many interesting animals such as Tasmanian devil or Kiwi

Podívejte se na video o krásách NZ (abyste měli motivaci se učit)


  • NZ is a rich agricultural country, it is a primarily (hlavně) a grazing (pro pastvu) coutry and specialise in livestock breeding (chov dobytka) mainly cattle and sheep
  • Typical products are: dairy products (mléčné produkty), meat, wool, butter, cheese
  • Grass is called the green gold of the NZ 


  • Oil, natural gas, gold


  •  Industry is closely connected (úzce propojený) with agriculture
  • The principal branch is food industry (see agriculture)


  • Head of NZ is Queen Elizabeth II represented by the Governor General
  • The NZ Parliament has only one chamber (komoru) – the House of Representatives, which consists of 92 members
  • There are two big political parties: the National Party and the Labour Party


  • Wellington is the world’s most southern capital and it is also has the oldest ZOO in NZ
  • It also famous because it has more restaurants, bars and cafes per head (na hlavu) than New York


Author: Je to boj

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