FCE/CAE/CPE Report + Proposal
FCE/CAE/CPE Report + Proposal – struktura, tipy a triky, doporučená slovní zásoba a fráze a ukázky prací.
- Kvůli toho, že Report a Proposal mají hodně shodných znaků, tak jsem je zahrnula do jednoho příspěvku.
Pozor, Report a Proposal nejsou identické. Hlavní rozdíl je:
Report – se většinou týká minulosti nebo současnosti ( are ususually about past events or present situations)
Proposal – týká se budoucnosti (outline course of ction in the future)
FCE/CAE/CPE Report + Proposal tipy:
– vždy požívejte nadpisy (viz. struktura)
– vždy používejte formální styl až neosobní styl (nepoužívejte příliš často zajméno ‚I‘); závěr by ale mělo být osobní hodnocení
– nepoužívejte vykřičníky
– vyhněte se zbytečným detailům
FCE/CAE/CPE Report + Proposal struktura:
Introduction (místo Introduction můžete dát i Purpose)
- The purpose of this report is to …. (doplňte co se po vás žádá), as requested.
- As requested, this report is to ….(doplňte co se po vás žádá)
- This report intends to …. (doplňte co se po vás žádá)
- Please find my report as follows in response to your memo of (měsíc + den)
- As requested I have (co jste udělali), in order to (doplňte za jakým účelem)
- This report will consider/compare …..
- The aim of this report is to…
- The aim of this proposal is to…
Heading – nadpisy
- možné nadpisy: General information, Positive points, Negative points, Advantages, Disadvantages, Objection (to, co může být překážkou), Solution, Recommondation, (Facilities, Accomondation…)
Jak argumentovat v FCE/CAE/CPE Report + Proposal
- Reasons why the web page www.jetoboj.cz, would be suitable for your competition is ….
- The main reason in favour of this proposal is … (pozor – to piště jenom když máte za úkol ohodnotit nějaký návrh (= proposal) a ne např. hodnotit nějaké místo)
- This would benefit (the country) in many ways:
- This woulf offer the following advantages:
- This would provide the following benefits:
- As the (restaurant) is located in (the centre of te town), it is….
- Since (the restaurant is well- reachable) …
- There are plenty of (facilities/restaurants…)…
- For this reason …
- The majority of people are against this solution, however…
- One suggestion which has been put forward is to…
- The problem needs to be address urgently
- It has beem suggested tht matters could be helped if …
- By far the most serious issues is (poverty)…
Conclusion – závěr
- In spite of the disadvantages, I would strongly recommend…
- Although there are certain drawbacks (= nedostatky), I would recommend…
- There are no obvious disadvantages; therefore, I would highly recommend…
- The drawbacks outweight the advantages, so I would nor recomment … (nedostatky převažují nad pozitivy)
- The drawbacks of (this hotel) make it unsuitable for (accommodating the NATO committee – ubytování komise NATO)
- In my view of this, I would recommend ….
- I would suggest ….
- All in all, …
- In recent years, …
- pro případ, že byste psali hodnocení návrhu:
- The (doplňte návrh) would benefit to….
- The (doplňte návrh) would create more problems that it solves, so my recommendation is thtat…
- In my opinion, the best proposal is to…
- často používaná slovesa pro psaní reports a proposals:
- propose, hope, expect, predict, forecst, intend, look forward to, anticipate
- také se často používají tzv. hypothetical contructions:
- would, should, might…
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