FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) část 2
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FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English)
Průběh druhé části:
Dostanete 2 fotografie, o kterých budete mít za úkol 1 minutu mluvit, porovnat je a odpovědět na otázku, kterou vám zkoušející polož (tato otázka je vytištěná nad fotkami). Když bude mluvit váš kolega, pečlivě poslouchejte, protože až domluví, dostanete doplňující otázku (odpovídáte velmi krátce – max. 20 sekund).
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.1
Co nedělat:
- v části 2 nikdy nepřerušujte svého kolegu
- až kolega domluví, čekejte na otázku, která vám bude položena (bude jiná než je vytištěná nad obrázky a o které teddy váš kolega mluvil)
- nesmíte zapomenout odpovědět na otázku, která vám je položena zkoušejícím)
- mluvte po celou minutu – pokud minutu přesáhnete zkoušející řekne: Thank you (= máte skončit)
- když si nejste jisti tím, co přesně na obrázku je, používejte slova a fráze jako: he could be a prisoner (mohl by to být/asi to je vězeň), she seems to be crying (vypadá to, že pláče)
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.2
Vhodné fráze pro FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English)
- The main/most important/most significant difference between the pictures is…
- The most striking/obvious similarity is that…
- In the first photo … whereas/while/but in the secod one…
- In the first photo, a girl is….
- In the background (v pozadí), I can see…
- In the foreground (popředí), there are…
- Judging from ….. he may/cpuld/might be…
- I can’t tell for sure/be certain, but it looks as if she…
- She must be…
- I don’t think she could be… because…
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.3
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázka 1:
In the first photo, I can see a girl who looks as if she’s chatting on the Internet whereas/while (= zatímco) in the second photo two old people are sitting on a park bench (lavička) together and gossiping.
While the girl seems to be concentrating hard, perhaps because she’s writing, the old people seem to be relaxed and enjoying themselves. I think this is because they’re together and can see each other.
I think the girl might be talking to a friend about school work or boyfriends. On the other hand, the old people are probably talking about their grandchildren or they could be talking about things they did when they were younger.
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázka 2:
Both pictures show women who look like they are usually very busy people. I picture A the woman is at home in casual clothes (= běžné oblečení), whereas in picture B the woman is at work in business clothes. In picture A the woman is trying to do three different things at once : carry the laudry basket (= koš na prádlo), talk on the phone and hold the baby. In contrast the woman in B is only doing one thing. Also, the woman in picture B is getting paid for her job, whereas the woman in picture a probably isn’t.
The woman in picture A is probably more stressed than the woman in picture B because she is trying to cope with (= zvládnout) so many different tasks at once. I don’t think the woman in picture B is stressed at all because she seem relaxed with her shoes off and her feet up on the chair.
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.4
FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.5